Setup & Troubleshooting

To effectively engage with the Introduction to Data Science course it is essential that you have access to digital equipment, such as a laptop (with administration rights to install software), a smart phone and access to a good internet connection. Further advice on what technology you will need for you studies and about loaning services can be found at the links below:

1. School of Mathematics: Technology and Equipment
2. Information Services: Borrowing and Returning Laptops

If you have just started the course then please follow the first time setup instructions below:

1. RStudio Setup
Instructions for downloading and installing RStudio.
2. GitHub Setup
Instructions for signing up and linking GitHub to RStudio.

If you have any issues following the setup above, or generally throughout the course, then best place to post a question is Piazza. For advice on posting on Piazza, see the page below:

  • Posting on Piazza
  • Guidance for posting on the course forum.

    If you want to start working on an application exercise, homework, workshop, or your project, then follow the instructions provided under GitHub Setup to set up a GitHub repository for coursework. You will be able to access the files you need directly from the course GitHub page here.

    If your problem is not addressed by the links above, please use one of the methods of asking for help.