

Introduction to Data Science

This is the website for the Introduction to Data Science (MATH08077) course offered at the University of Edinburgh for the academic year 2024/5.

Learn to explore, visualize, and analyse data to understand natural phenomena, investigate patterns, model outcomes, and make predictions, and do so in a reproducible and shareable manner. Gain experience in data collection, wrangling, and visualization, exploratory data analysis, predictive modelling, and effective communication of results while working on problems and case studies inspired by and based on real-world questions. The course will focus on the R statistical computing language. No statistical or computing background is necessary. Additional official course information can be found here.

    1. Welcome to IDS

    Week 1 (16 Sep 2024 - 20 Sep 2024): Get acquainted with the course, the technology, the workflow, and the skills you will acquire throughout the semester.

    2. Wrangling and Tidying Data

    Week 2 (23 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024): Data wrangling, joining, and tidying.

    3. Importing and Joining Data

    Week 3 (30 Sept 2024 - 04 Oct 2024): Importing data, data types and classes, recoding.

    4. Visualizing Data

    Week 4 (07 Oct 2024 - 11 Oct 2024): Data visualization and interpretation of graphical information.

    5. Communicating Data Science Results Effectively

    Week 5 (14 Oct 2024 - 18 Oct 2024): Tips for effective data visualization, communication of results, and collaboration.

    6. Ethics

    Week 6 (21 Oct 2024 - 25 Oct 2024): Misrepresentation of findings, data privacy, and algorithmic bias.

    7. Programming

    Week 7 (28 Oct 2023 - 01 Nov 2023): Harvesting data from the web, writing functions, and iteration.

    8. Modelling Data

    Week 8 (04 Nov 2024 - 08 Nov 2024): Linear models for predicting numerical data from single and multiple variables.

    9. Classification and Model Building

    Week 9 (11 Nov 2024 - 15 Nov 2024): Logistic regression for predicting categorical data and model building.

    10. Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification

    Week 10 (18 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024): Evaluating models with cross validation and uncertainty quantification with bootstrap confidence intervals. quantification.

    11. Looking Beyond IDS

    Week 11 (25 Nov 2024 - 29 Nov 2024): Additional topics beyond IDS

    Course Components

    Information on the various components of the course.


    Information on the assessments for the course.

Updates with important information will be posted here as well as emailed to your university email address.
A list of significant corrections and clarifications to material on the course.
A list of all the ways you can get support for this course.
Details and contact information for staff associated with the course.
Details on the course & university expectations for students and staff.
A list of books, tools, and cheetsheets that will come in handy while taking the course.
Setup & Troubleshooting
Instructions to setup the toolkit for the course and fix common issues.

This online work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence (visit here for more information). These materials have been adapted from Data Science in a Box by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, which is under the same licence.

Creative Commons License